Psychology & Psychiatry

High number of GPs wanted to leave before COVID, finds survey

The number of GPs who say they were likely to quit direct patient care within five years was 37%, even before the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey carried out by University of Manchester researchers.


Conditions tied to clinician dissatisfaction are modifiable

(HealthDay)—Modifiable conditions, like chaos, incohesiveness, and lack of communication, contribute to unsatisfying workplaces for clinicians, according to a study published in the October issue of Health Affairs.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New inventory resource measures severity of work-related depression

First came their pioneering research a few years ago linking burnout and depression. Now City College of New York psychologist Irvin Sam Schonfeld and his University of Neuchâtel collaborator Renzo Bianchi present the Occupational ...

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