Medical research

Research team uses 3-D printing to produce human cartilage

In a significant step toward reducing the heavy toll of osteoarthritis around the world, scientists have created the first example of living human cartilage grown on a laboratory chip. The researchers ultimately aim to use ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Finger length a 'pointer' to Osteoarthritis

(Medical Xpress)—Our fingers could be more important than we think. New research has revealed that the length of a person's finger could become a 'pointer' to their risk factor in developing osteoarthritis later in life.


'Prehabilitation' prepares patients for hip and knee surgery

In less than 10 years, osteoarthritis has claimed both of Barbara Carson's knees and one of her hip joints. Yet it wasn't until the most recent surgery on her right knee that Carson heard the term "prehabilitation," let alone ...

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