
Rosemary and oregano contain diabetes-fighting compounds

The popular culinary herbs oregano and rosemary are packed with healthful compounds, and now lab tests show they could work in much the same way as prescription anti-diabetic medication, scientists report. In their new study ...


Watermelon juice relieves post-exercise muscle soreness

Watermelon juice's reputation among athletes is getting scientific support in a new study, which found that juice from the summer favorite fruit can relieve post-exercise muscle soreness. The report in ACS' Journal of Agricultural ...


Microgreens: Tiny, but powerful

Researchers with the University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently completed a study to determine the level of nutrients in microgreens ...

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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, published since 1950 by the American Chemical Society'[citation needed]. JAFC is currently indexed in: CAS, SCOPUS, Proquest, British Library, PubMed, CABI, Ovid, Web of Science, and Swetswise.

The current Editor-in-Chief is Professor James N. Seiber.

Indexed in Agriculture, Applied Chemistry and Food Science and Technology categories, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry holds a total of 45,286 citations, and an Impact Factor of 2.532, with 1,530 articles published as reported by the 2007 Journal Citation Reports by Thomson Reuters.

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