Psychology & Psychiatry

People are overly confident in their own knowledge, despite errors

Overprecision—excessive confidence in the accuracy of our beliefs—can have profound consequences, inflating investors' valuation of their investments, leading physicians to gravitate too quickly to a diagnosis, even making ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study says empathy plays a key role in moral judgments

Is it permissible to harm one to save many? Those who tend to say "yes" when faced with this classic dilemma are likely to be deficient in a specific kind of empathy, according to a report published in the scientific journal ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Rate of nephrectomy at lymph node dissection is declining

(HealthDay)—Over the last 30 years, the incidence of nephrectomy at post-chemotherapy (PC) retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) has steadily declined, according to research published in the March issue of The Journal ...


Court: Can generic drug maker be sued over design?

The Supreme Court will soon decide whether generic drug manufacturers can be sued in state court for a drug's design defects after federal officials approved the brand-name version.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Contraception in women over 40

Despite declining fertility, women over age 40 still require effective contraception if they wish to avoid pregnancy. A review article outlines the risks and benefits of various contraceptive options for these women. The ...


Patients increasingly sue over botched laser hair removals

(HealthDay)—Laser hair removal is the most commonly litigated cutaneous laser surgery procedure, with physicians being named as defendants even when not performing the procedure, according to research published in the February ...


Health apps abound, but usage low, study shows

US consumers are being offered a vast range of smartphone apps to track or manage health, but only a small number of people are using them, according to a survey.


Researchers find causality in the eye of the beholder

We rely on our visual system more heavily than previously thought in determining the causality of events. A team of researchers has shown that, in making judgments about causality, we don't always need to use cognitive reasoning. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Deal or no deal: 5 year olds make smart decisions in games of risk

You may have to be over a certain age to be a contestant on "Deal or No Deal", but children as young as five start to maximize their profits - in cookies - when making decisions similar to those on the show, according to ...

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