
Scalia's pro-tobacco order tossed by high court

(AP) -- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia exercised a rarely used power last fall to let Philip Morris USA and three other big tobacco companies delay making multimillion-dollar payments for a program to help people quit ...


Study examines malpractice litigation in peds ophthalmology

(HealthDay)—In ophthalmology medical malpractice litigation, cases involving pediatric versus adult patients are more likely to result in verdicts in favor of the plaintiff and have higher jury awards and indemnity payments, ...


Jury orders Gilead to pay Merck $2.5bn in patent case

A US jury has ordered pharmaceutical giant Gilead Sciences to pay $2.5 billion to competitor Merck in a patent infringement case involving a drug used to treat hepatitis C, the two companies said.


Report: Florida officials cut key data from vaccine study

An analysis that was the basis of a highly criticized recommendation from Florida's surgeon general cautioning young men against getting the COVID-19 vaccine omitted information that showed catching the virus could increase ...

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