Psychology & Psychiatry

One in four kids sexually harassed by friends online

It's not just strangers who target children online. Kids' own friends are sexually harassing them over the Internet, finds new research led by a Michigan State University cybercrime expert.


US reaches settlement with 457 hospitals over cardiac device

The Justice Department said Friday that it had reached settlements totaling more than $250 million with hundreds of hospitals where doctors implanted cardiac devices in violation of Medicare coverage requirements.


Dieting during pregnancy linked to lower math scores in kids

In a recent study, siblings whose mothers dieted during pregnancy scored lower on math tests at age five than their siblings who had been exposed to higher prenatal caloric intake. The research provides some of the first ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Science, law and the 'badly behaved' child

Mozart in the womb, learning French as a toddler, accelerated reading, maths for the gifted and talented … the list goes on and on. A brain-based approach to child-rearing can seem almost inescapable for the modern parent.

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