Oncology & Cancer

Fighting cancer with the power of immunity

Harnessing the body's own immune system to destroy tumors is a tantalizing prospect that has yet to realize its full potential. However, a new advance from MIT may bring this strategy, known as cancer immunotherapy, closer ...

Oncology & Cancer

Killer T cells get better with age, study finds

The human immune system is a thing of wonder. Up until now it had been widely assumed that the ability of killer T cells to destroy tumor cells and pathogens would deteriorate with age. It turns out, however, that the opposite ...

Medical research

Cancer drug resistance study raises immune red flags

Sooner or later, most cancer patients develop resistance to the very chemotherapy drugs designed to kill their cancer, forcing oncologists to seek alternatives. Even more problematic, once a patient's tumor is resistant to ...

Medical research

Researchers identify new cell that attacks dengue virus

Mast cells, which can help the body respond to bacteria and pathogens, also apparently sound the alarm around viruses delivered by a mosquito bite, according to researchers at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School in Singapore.

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