Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Research sheds light on how Alzheimer's progresses in the brain

Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia affect more than 55 million people worldwide. But the development of effective treatments and cures is progressing slowly. To some extent, this is because we still don't understand ...


MRI's magnetic field affects focused ultrasound technology

MRI-guided focused ultrasound combined with microbubbles can open the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and allow therapeutic drugs to reach the diseased brain location under the guidance of MRI. It is a promising technique that ...


MRI shows blood flow differs in men and women

Healthy men and women have different blood flow characteristics in their hearts, according to a new study published in the journal Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging. Researchers said the results could be used to help create ...


Self-powered 'pacemaker for life' in pigs unveiled

Scientists on Tuesday unveiled a battery-free pacemaker that generates its energy from the heartbeats of pigs in what could pave the way for an "implant for life" in humans suffering from heart defects.

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Kinetics (Ancient Greek: κίνησις "kinesis", movement or to move) may refer to:

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