
Chill out: disturbed sleep plays havoc with your mood and mind

A poll by Lifeline released earlier this week shows almost two-thirds of Australians reported sleep loss because of stress relating to work or their finances. The findings went largely unremarked, even though a chronic lack ...


Earlier bedtimes help kids fight obesity

(HealthDay)—With childhood obesity rates high, many studies have investigated lifestyle factors that can make a difference—which ones increase the risk and which ones reduce it.


Why employers should wake up to the value of naps at work

Well-being at work is being taken more seriously by many businesses these days. After all, recent research has shown that more than a quarter of Generation Z workers—those born between 1997 and 2012—seek out workplace ...


The battle for the bedroom

More and more of us are wishing each other goodnight by mobile phone. Unfortunately this means that we are sleeping increasingly badly. Now sleep researchers in Uppsala are creating an app to make us disconnect when it's ...

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