
Study sheds new light on brain's source of power

New research published today in the journal Nature Communications represents a potentially fundamental shift in our understanding of how nerve cells in the brain generate the energy needed to function. The study shows neurons ...

Medical research

The role of lactate in boosting memory

(Medical Xpress)—EPFL researchers have decoded the mechanism by which a glucose derivative activates receptors involved in memorization.

Medical research

Serotonin could play a large role in bone loss

Scientists have long known that calcium leaches from the bones both during lactation and in certain types of cancer. The driver behind these phenomena is a molecule called parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP), which ...


Warning against domperidone use for lactating women

(HealthDay)—The dopamine receptor antagonist domperidone, which may increase milk production in lactating women, is associated with serious cardiac risks, and should not be used for lactation enhancement, according to a ...

Biomedical technology

Sensor monitors disease severity by rapidly measuring lactate levels

Scientists have developed a prototype sensor that could help doctors rapidly measure adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and lactate levels in blood samples from patients, aiding in the rapid assessment of the severity of some diseases.

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