
How human genes affect the microbiome

Our genes determine to some extent which bacteria live in our intestines. Studies on human twins and experimental work with animals have both confirmed that our microbiome is partly hereditary. But so far, there was only ...


Why am I bloated? Here are some possibilities to consider

If your tummy seems to feel full or stretched and is rumbling all the time, you're not alone. Up to 30% of people of all ages experience bloating, with symptoms such as gassiness, a sense of fullness and pressure.


Why plant-based 'milks' are rising to the top

If you've been to any supermarket recently, you would've noticed the shelf space dedicated to milk alternatives such as oat, soy, almond and rice is expanding. Though they're not strictly speaking "milk," these plant-based ...


Q&A: Testing for food allergies and sensitivities

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have struggled with stomach issues for many years. Is it possible my upset stomach can be an allergy or sensitivity to certain foods? I want to feel better, and I am curious about testing that may be available ...

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