Oncology & Cancer

Radiation plus hormone therapy greatly improves survival

Men with locally advanced or high-risk prostate cancer who receive combined radiation and hormone therapy live longer and are less likely to die from their disease, shows clinical research led by radiation oncologists at ...

Oncology & Cancer

Unequal access to cancer care can no longer be tolerated

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death and morbidity worldwide, and its economic burden grows year by year. In 2008, the worldwide cost of cancer due to premature death and disability, excluding direct medical costs, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Birth control device cuts cancer risk: study

Intra-uterine devices designed to prevent conception may also protect against cervical cancer, according to a study covering more than 20,000 women that was released on Tuesday.

Oncology & Cancer

Cervical vaccine also protects against anal cancer risk

A vaccine routinely used to shield against cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus also reduces women's risk of anal cancer, a study published by the journal The Lancet Oncology on Tuesday says.

Oncology & Cancer

Height clue to cancer risk

(Medical Xpress) -- Taller people are at increased risk of a wide range of cancers, according to new research led by Oxford University.

Oncology & Cancer

Chernobyl, 25 Years Later: Lessons for Japan?

On the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, a comment published by Lancet Oncology describes the known health consequences of the 1986 event. The authors are Kirsten B. Moysich, PhD, MS, and Philip McCarthy, ...

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