
How a rare dementia transforms patients into artists

For decades, doctors have noticed a rare burst of visual creativity that occurs among a small number of patients with dementia, echoing the same strange phenomenon among patients who have had a stroke or other brain injury. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Children's language development doesn't just happen through words

Children learn to understand language and to speak largely independently of cognitive functions like spatial awareness, working (short-term) memory and perception (interpreting and organizing sensory impressions), according ...


Anaesthetic linked to learning problems in children

(Medical Xpress)—Children who are given anaesthetic before the age of three may have an increased risk of developing learning difficulties, according to a new study involving researchers at The University of Western Australia.


High-quality, centre-based childcare can prevent difficulties

High quality centre-based childcare appears to prevent the development of language and behavioural difficulties over time, particularly among vulnerable children. The factors that appear to affect children include space for ...

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