Medical research

How the small intestine defends itself against bacteria

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have been studying the mucus involved in defending the intestines and airways against infection for more than 30 years. To date, their work has focused very much on the large intestine, ...


Silencing gut pain without pain killers

Surgically removing specific populations of sensory nerves that communicate between internal organs, such as the bladder and gut, and the brain, can silence pain responses, without impacting other functions in the body, new ...

Medical research

New stem cell mechanism discovered in the gut

A special layer of cells that coats the insides of the small and large intestines takes in nutrients and water while keeping anything bad from circulating. This layer is called the intestinal epithelium. It completely renews ...

Medical research

Common prebiotic fiber mitigates harm of high-salt diet in rats

New research in rats finds a diet high in the prebiotic fiber inulin offered a protective effect against the damage of a high-salt diet. The research will be presented this week at the American Physiological Society (APS) ...

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