Oncology & Cancer

Study investigates assumptions about colonoscopy accuracy

If you're over 45, chances are your doctor has told you to get screened for colorectal cancer. While it's a seemingly routine recommendation these days, a great deal of scientific analysis goes into the details. Regularly ...

Medical research

Researchers map direct gut-brain connection

After each one of those big meals you ate over the holidays, the cells lining your stomach and intestines released hormones into the bloodstream to signal the brain that you were full and should stop eating.


A new method of action for an older anti-diabetic drug discovered

A research team led by Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine's Professor OGAWA Wataru (the Division of Diabetes and Endocrinology) and Project Associate Professor NOGAMI Munenobu (the Department of Radiology) has discovered ...

Inflammatory disorders

Travel to high altitudes tied to Crohn's, colitis flare-ups

(HealthDay) -- People with inflammatory bowel disease, which includes Crohn's disease and colitis, may be at increased risk for flare-ups when they fly or travel to high altitudes for skiing or mountain climbing, a new study ...


Gut research delves deeper into obesity problems

By delving deeper into metabolism problems, the research team has found that the nutrient sensing capacity of Enterochromaffin (EC) cells—which line the gastrointestinal tract and are the source of almost all serotonin ...

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