Medical research

Exploring how lipids and cholesterol relate to Alzheimer's

Professor Jing Xu and her students study extremely tiny motor proteins, but their work could make a huge contribution to the growing body of knowledge about Alzheimer's and other diseases that progressively destroy brain ...

Medical research

Optical tweezers unveil a secret of muscle power

Our hearts beat a life long. With every beat our heart muscle contracts and expands. How this can work throughout an entire life remains largely a mystery. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have now ...


Lasers in toys can cause serious eye damage, FDA warns

(HealthDay)—Lasers in toys can be dangerous to children and those around them, posing the risk of serious eye injuries and even blindness, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Medical research

Can we use 3-D printing and stem cells to build a bone?

Pioneering techniques aiming to recreate human bone for replacement and repair will be showcased at the Royal Society's annual Summer Science Exhibition which opens to the public today.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

A new method for more accurate assessment of osteoporosis

Laser-based measurements are proving to be a promising method for the assessment of osteoporosis. The team led by Professor Jussi Timonen has developed an ultrasound technique that use laser beams for a rapid and accurate ...

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