Psychology & Psychiatry

Why we laugh when we know it's wrong

For the Batek people of the Malaysian peninsula rainforest, laughter can be dangerous. Within the system of taboos of these egalitarian hunter-gatherers, laughing in certain situations can cause storms, illness or even death. ...


India's giggling guru says laugh yourself to good health

India's "guru of giggling" Madan Kataria, who has got thousands of people guffawing globally in pursuit of better health, has an unexpected confession—he hasn't got a very good sense of humour.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Time to take laughter seriously

While people the world over enjoy a good laugh, remarkably little is known about this instinctive behaviour.


Seven behaviors suggested to improve 'art of medicine'

(HealthDay)—Seven behaviors should be implemented to improve the art of medicine, which can help improve relationships with patients, according to an article published in Family Practice Management.

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