
Polish lawmakers legalise medicinal marijuana

Poland's lower house of parliament, which is controlled by the conservatives, on Thursday voted to make medicinal marijuana legal under certain circumstances.


Texas lawmakers push 'fetal remains' bill despite court case

Lawmakers in the Texas House have started debating a bill mandating burial or cremation of fetal remains from abortions and miscarriages, even though a federal judge already blocked a state rule requiring the same thing.


Pricey prostate cancer drug's makers targeted by Congress

Lawmakers again are targeting the pharmaceutical industry over sky-high prescription drug prices, a hot issue this year in Washington and on the campaign trail that's been dragging down stock prices of many drugmakers.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Polish parliament passes law regulating IVF (Update)

Poland's parliament adopted a law Thursday on in vitro fertilisation (IVF), which was previously allowed in the mostly Catholic country but remained unregulated because of opposition from the right and the Church.


California lawmakers advance right-to-die legislation

California lawmakers advanced a right-to-die bill Thursday, giving hope to those who want the nation's most populous state to allow terminally ill patients to end their lives under doctor's care.


California vaccine bill stalls; will come back next week

A California vaccination bill that has generated intense debates pitting personal rights against public health stalled in the state Senate Wednesday, with lawmakers saying it could unconstitutionally deprive unvaccinated ...

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