Psychology & Psychiatry

Setting healthy boundaries with your teen

Ah, the teenage years. A time when your teen is looking to plant their flag of independence—and that's healthy. But there are times when your teen will see how far they can push boundaries, making you feel lost about how ...


AI offers 'paradigm shift' in study of brain injury

From the gridiron to the battlefield, the study of traumatic brain injury has exploded in recent years. Crucial to understanding brain injury is the ability to model the mechanical forces that compress, stretch, and twist ...


Human-approved medication brings back 'lost' memories in mice

Students sometimes pull an all-nighter to prepare for an exam. However, research has shown that sleep deprivation is bad for your memory. Now, University of Groningen neuroscientist Robbert Havekes discovered that what you ...


With constructive feedback our brain learns the perfect timing

It's important in sports and in interpersonal relationships—perfect timing. But how does our brain learn to estimate when events might occur and react accordingly? Scientists at MPI CBS in Leipzig together with colleagues ...

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