Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers factoring in how children learn mathematics

What is 72 multiplied by 12? While fourth-graders will focus on arriving at the correct answer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln researcher Carrie Clark wants to know what happens in the brain as they learn to solve the problem.


Practice makes perfect, and 'overlearning' locks it in

Want to learn something and then quickly make that mastery stick? A new Brown University study in which people learned visual perception tasks suggests that you should keep practicing for a little while even after you think ...


Forgetting is key to learning

Do you often feel overwhelmed with the amount of information coming at you? Forgotten your shopping list as soon as you've heard the sports results? Don't worry, it's all completely normal – and necessary – according ...


Keep it complex and improve your brain power

(Medical Xpress)—If your New Year's resolutions include toning the brain as well as the body, the key could be a vigorous mental workout. Researchers from our Department of Psychology have discovered that persevering with ...


How sleep aids visual task learning

As any indignant teacher would scold, students must be awake to learn. But what science is showing with increasing sophistication is how the brain uses sleep for learning as well. At the annual meeting of the Society for ...


Adolescents' high-fat diet impairs memory and learning

A high-fat diet in adolescence appears to have long-lasting effects on learning and memory during adulthood, a new study in mice finds. The results were presented Saturday at The Endocrine Society's 95th Annual Meeting in ...

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