
For adult scoliosis, surgery, other treatments are viable options

For years, spine surgeons have debated the best methods for treating scoliosis in adults. Spinal curvature often results in more back pain, leg pain and other symptoms for adults than teens because adults also can have degeneration ...


Q&A: Additional opinions helpful in treating back pain

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am in my late 50s and have an active lifestyle. I have had two prior surgeries for a herniated lumbar disk. Recently, I began to have leg pain, which occurred previously, so I believe I must have another ...


Can a short leg cause knee or hip pain?

If one of your legs is shorter than the other, that may increase your risk of pain in your knees or hips, some researchers suspect. UNC’s Yvonne Golightly, PT, PhD, explains what researchers do and don’t know about ...

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