
Texas Republicans pass new abortion limits

(AP)—Republicans in the Texas Legislature passed an omnibus abortion bill that is one of the most restrictive in the U.S., but Democrats have vowed to fight in the courts and at the ballot box as they used the measure to ...


Court: California cities can ban pot shops

(AP)—The California Supreme Court ruled Monday that cities and counties can ban medical marijuana dispensaries, a ruling likely to further diminish the state's once-extravagant network of storefront pot shops and fuel efforts ...


US top court to hear case on gene patents

The US Supreme Court will hear arguments Monday on whether to allow private entities to patent genes they have isolated and identified, a decision that could have far-reaching implications for genetic research.


New system for medical internships required

Researchers have argued that the system for allocating medical internships, where states prioritise graduates from their own medical schools, is inequitable and potentially unconstitutional.

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