
US top court to hear case on gene patents

The US Supreme Court will hear arguments Monday on whether to allow private entities to patent genes they have isolated and identified, a decision that could have far-reaching implications for genetic research.


New system for medical internships required

Researchers have argued that the system for allocating medical internships, where states prioritise graduates from their own medical schools, is inequitable and potentially unconstitutional.


Obama birth control mandates loosens lawsuits

(AP)—The legal challenges over religious freedom and the birth control coverage requirement in President Barack Obama's health care overhaul appear to be moving toward the U.S. Supreme Court.


Food servers more vulnerable to legal threats

People with severe food allergies have a new tool in their effort to find menus that fit their diet: federal disabilities law. And that could leave schools, restaurants and anyone else that serves food more vulnerable to ...


Australia introduces plain packaging for cigarettes

A law forcing tobacco firms to sell cigarettes in plain packets came into effect in Australia on Saturday in an effort to strip any glamour from smoking and prevent young people from taking up the habit.


Australia readies for first plain pack cigarettes

All cigarettes sold in Australia will be in identical, plain packages from Saturday in a world first after the government overcame legal challenges from the tobacco industry.


EU ex-health commissioner to challenge ouster

Former EU health commissioner John Dalli on Wednesday vowed to issue a legal challenge to Brussels following his forced resignation over a tobacco-linked influence-peddling fraud probe.


India's patent laws under pressure: The Lancet special report

In a special report in The Lancet, researchers from Queen Mary, University of London (UK) argue that pending cases against India's patent laws threaten public health and misinterpret international intellectual property agreements.

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