
E-cigarette makers go to war over EU proposals

Makers and users of electronic cigarettes Tuesday went to war against EU plans to class the devices as medicinal products, saying any such move would end up harming public health.


Irish deputies back abortion in limited cases

Irish lawmakers voted early Friday to back controversial new legislation that will allow abortion in limited cases, after the death last year of an Indian woman due to complications from her pregnancy.


Texas lawmakers approve abortion restrictions

(AP)—Republicans armed with Bible verses have given preliminary approval to some of the strictest abortion regulations in the country as time runs out on the Texas special legislative session.


Australia cracks down on synthetic drugs

Australia imposed an interim ban on 19 synthetic cannabis and cocaine-like drugs on Sunday as part of a crackdown on the psychoactive substances which mimic the highs of their illegal counterparts.


Quebec moves to allow assisted suicide (Update)

The government of Canada's mostly French-speaking Quebec province on Wednesday unveiled legislation allowing terminally ill patients to kill themselves with a doctor's help.


US state moves to regulate GM foods

The small US state of Connecticut became the first to pass legislation requiring food products with genetically modified ingredients to be labeled as such.

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