Psychology & Psychiatry

Kennedy's vision for mental health never realized

The last piece of legislation President John F. Kennedy signed turns 50 this month: the Community Mental Health Act, which helped transform the way people with mental illness are treated and cared for in the United States.


New Zealand bans synthetic drugs

New Zealand on Thursday banned synthetic drugs after Prime Minister John Key conceded an attempt to regulate the market in so-called "legal highs" had failed.


The right to say "No"

In psychiatric wards, patients used to be medicated indiscriminately against their will for decades if doctors thought it necessary. It was only after a Federal Constitution Court ruling a few years ago that patient autonomy ...


High-risk pools may represent step back for U.S. health care

(HealthDay)—Proposed legislation as part of the American Health Care Act, which includes the option of high-risk pools, is not likely to reduce costs, according to an Ideas and Opinions piece published online May 23 in ...


France adopts plain cigarette packaging

Cigarettes in France will be sold in plain packaging under a law that was finally passed in parliament on Thursday despite objections from the conservative opposition.

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