
Parents warned of killer fake pills laced with fentanyl

The DEA has posted a chilling two-page warning to parents on fake pills—pills that can kill. The "One Pill/Can Kill" campaign kicks off with a warning that fentanyl "is a deadly synthetic opioid" pressed into bogus pills ...


Vermont House passes aid-in-dying bill

The Vermont House has approved a measure that would allow doctors to provide lethal medication to terminally ill patients seeking to end their own lives.


California appeals court rejects right-to-die lawsuit

A California appeals court on Thursday rejected a lawsuit by three terminally ill patients that sought to clear the way for doctors to prescribe fatal medication to them and others like them who want the option of taking ...


EU court finds Swiss assisted-suicide laws vague (Update)

An elderly Swiss woman who would rather end her life now than decline further in health found sympathy Tuesday from the European Court of Human Rights, which called on the Swiss to clarify their laws on so-called passive ...

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