Oncology & Cancer

Major breakthrough in the treatment of leukemia

A molecular process involved in the action of anti-leukemia drugs has been discovered at Université de Montréal's Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC). While calling into question a central tenet of oncology, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers uncover genetic cause of childhood leukemia

For the first time, a genetic link specific to risk of childhood leukemia has been identified, according to a team of researchers from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, University ...

Oncology & Cancer

Vitamin B6, leukemia's deadly addiction

Scientists have discovered that Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) grows by taking advantage of the B6 vitamin to accelerate cell division. The research team from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) and Memorial Sloan Kettering ...

Oncology & Cancer

Fish oil may hold key to leukemia cure

A compound produced from fish oil that appears to target leukemia stem cells could lead to a cure for the disease, according to Penn State researchers. The compound -- delta-12-protaglandin J3, or D12-PGJ3 -- targeted and ...

Oncology & Cancer

New chemical technology boosts potency of targeted cancer therapy

In work that heralds a new, more potent form of targeted therapy for cancer, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists have devised a chemical technology that doesn't just disable malevolent proteins in tumor cells, as current ...

Oncology & Cancer

New classification improves risk prediction in chronic leukemia

If chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with a good or poor prognosis could be identified already at the time of diagnosis, physicians would have better possibilities to adjust their therapeutic and follow-up strategies. ...

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