Psychology & Psychiatry

Another victim of violence: Trust in those who mean no harm

Exposure to violence does not change the ability to learn who is likely to do harm, but it does damage the ability to place trust in "good people," psychologists at Yale and University of Oxford report April 26 in the journal ...


Miscarriage from a man's perspective

"Lost gift." "Cataclysm." "Death of a loved one." "Emptiness." "Chaotic movement." "Rock." "Guard." "Repairman. "Secondary character." Researchers at the University of Missouri say men often use descriptions such as these ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Education may not protect against dementia as previously thought

Previous studies have suggested that having a higher level of education may protect the brain to some extent against dementia, providing a "cognitive reserve" that buffers against the disease. But results have been mixed, ...


What impact does epigenetics have on our psychology?

In the battle of nature versus nurture, nurture has a new recruit: epigenetics—brought in from molecular biology to give scientific heft to the argument that genes are not destiny. The overwhelming evidence for genetic ...


Mice pass on brain benefits of enriched upbringing to offspring

Mice growing up in a basic cage maintain lifelong visual cortex plasticity if their parents were raised in an environment that promoted social interaction and physical and mental stimulation, according to a multigenerational ...


Drugs of abuse: Identifying the addiction circuit

What happens in the brain of a compulsive drug user? What is the difference in brain function between an addict and a person who takes a drug in a controlled manner? In an attempt solve this puzzle, neurobiologists at the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The psychological impact of early life stress and parental separation

In recent months, more than 2,000 migrant children have been separated from their families at the United States/Mexico border. Questions about the policy, including how it affects the children's well-being, has led to a suspension ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to talk to children about terrorism

Distressing events like the recent terrorist attack in Manchester affect us all in different ways. While adults often have enough life experience to be able to take a long-term perspective towards such disasters, children ...

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