Psychology & Psychiatry

Tough childhood damages life prospects

An adverse upbringing often impairs people's circumstances and health in their adult years, especially for couples who have both had similar experiences. This is shown by a new study, carried out by Uppsala University researchers, ...


How much do our genes restrict free will?

Many of us believe we are masters of own destiny, but new research is revealing the extent to which our behavior is influenced by our genes.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Middle age may be much more stressful now than in the '90s

If life feels more stressful now than it did a few decades ago, you're not alone. Even before the novel coronavirus started sweeping the globe, a new study found that life may be more stressful now than it was in the 1990s.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why life can get better as we age

People say life gets better with age. Now research suggests this may be because older people have the wisdom and time to use mindfulness as a means to improve wellbeing.

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