Psychology & Psychiatry

Gardening eased lockdown loneliness as pandemic paralyzed Britain

Therapeutic community gardening helped reduce loneliness as the pandemic paralyzed the nation, University of Essex research has revealed. A study that unfolded across three years of the COVID-19 crisis found that horticulture ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stemming the rising mental health crisis

While the pandemic has brought mental health into sharper focus for many, 1 in 5 adults were receiving mental health treatment before the arrival of COVID-19. Addressing mental health—and unraveling the mysterious ways ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Huge questions for UK govt after spike in virus cases

The British government faced huge questions Monday over its coronavirus testing system after a technical glitch led to the under-reporting of new infections over the past week or so, a failing that could have given fresh ...

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