Psychology & Psychiatry

Few people seem to find real joy in JOMO

Most people who ranked high in "joy of missing out" or JOMO also reported high levels of social anxiety in a recent Washington State University-led study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

City or country living? Research reveals psychological differences

Living in the country, in rural areas, has long been idealized as a pristine place to raise a family. After all, open air and room to run free pose distinct advantages. But new findings from a University of Houston psychology ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Four habits of happy people—as recommended by a psychologist

What makes you happy? Maybe it's getting up early to see the sunrise, hanging out with family and friends on a weekend, or going for a dip in the sea. But what does science say about the things happy people do?


Study uncovers factors linked to optimal aging

What are the keys to "successful" or optimal aging? A new study followed more than 7000 middle aged and older Canadians for approximately three years to identify the factors linked to well-being as we age.

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