
The myth of 'no place like home' when it comes to end of life

She died at home, but it wasn't the romantic scene found in movies, where the family held her hand and she simply closed her eyes. In reality, there was a night when she had diarrhea 12 times. In reality, every time she had ...


UK announces pharma investment, aims to boost productivity

Two major drugs companies will set up new research facilities in Britain that will bring 1,750 jobs, the government said Monday as it unveiled plans to boost the country's sagging productivity after Brexit.


Scientists should advance management of behavioral norms

Researchers should study how people's social and personal norms are influenced by behavior and use their insights to help governments promote pro-environmental actions, a distinguished group of scholars writes in the March ...


New approach for efficient analysis of emerging genetic data

(Medical Xpress)—With the ability to sequence human genes comes an onslaught of raw material about the genetic characteristics that distinguish us, and wading through these reserves of data poses a major challenge for life ...

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