
Girls benefit from doing sports

Girls—but not boys—who participate actively in school sports activities in middle childhood show improved behavior and attentiveness in early adolescence, suggests a new Canadian study published in Preventative Medicine.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Text messaging: The next gen of therapy in mental health

In the U.S., it is estimated that approximately 19 percent of all adults have a diagnosable mental illness. Clinic-based services for mental health may fall short of meeting patient needs for many reasons including limited ...


Plasticizers may contribute to motor control problems in girls

Scientists at the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health (CCCEH) have uncovered a link between prenatal exposure to phthalates—a ubiquitous group of plasticizers and odor-enhancing chemicals—and deficits ...


Rescuers often driven by emotion

Scientists from James Cook University and Royal Life Saving Society—Australia have found reason can go out the window when people's family members, children and pets are in trouble in the water, and people should be better ...

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