
Walking may lessen the influence of genes on obesity by half

Watching too much TV can worsen your genetic tendency towards obesity, but you can cut the effect in half by walking briskly for an hour a day, researchers report at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, ...


Latest gadgets give diets, workouts a high-tech boost

The math formula for weight loss isn't hard to understand. There's calorie input and calorie output - what you eat and what you burn. When the energy input is less than the output, you lose weight. But as simple as it looks ...


Healthy lifestyle habits lower heart failure risk

If you don't smoke, aren't overweight, get regular physical activity and eat vegetables, you can significantly reduce your risk for heart failure, according to research reported in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American ...


Calling nurses to exercise as role models for their patients

Nurses, just like many of their patients, struggle to find time and motivation to exercise. But a new study may give these all-important caregivers some additional pressure and responsibility: nurses' attitudes can influence ...


Lifestyles of the old and healthy defy expectations

People who live to 95 or older are no more virtuous than the rest of us in terms of their diet, exercise routine or smoking and drinking habits, according to researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.


How men's lifestyles double their risk of an early death

A University of Sussex psychologist is one of the key authors of a major new report that reveals that death rates of men aged 16-64 is twice that of women in the same age range in the European Union.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Substantial recovery rate with placebo effect in headache treatment

Headache is a very common complaint, with over 90% of all persons experiencing a headache at some time in their lives. Headaches commonly are tension-type (TTH) or migraine. They have high socioeconomic impact and can disturb ...

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