
Focus on patient experience can improve diabetes care

Health care providers who treat diabetes need to think beyond the clinical numbers, such as solely focusing on a person's glucose goals. Taking the patient experience into account can improve the quality of care and facilitate ...

Oncology & Cancer

Can you prevent cancer with lifestyle changes?

In the U.S., 4 out of 10 cancer cases are associated with preventable risk factors. That's according to the latest Cancer Progress Report from the American Association for Cancer Research. February is National Cancer Prevention ...


Try a cholesterol-lowering diet for heart health

With those New Year's resolutions six weeks behind us, some people may have reverted to less healthy ways of eating. Heart Month is a great time to remind yourself why a healthy diet is important for more than just your waistline.


The slowly evolving truth about heart disease and women

A century ago, so little was known about heart disease that people who had it resigned themselves to years of bed rest or, worse, an early death. Even less was known about how heart disease affected women—because nobody ...


Video: What is vascular dementia?

An estimated 55 million people are believed to be living with dementia, according to the World Health Organization. Vascular diseases contribute to approximately 25% of all diagnoses.

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