
How our sense of touch is a lot like the way we hear

(Medical Xpress)—When you walk into a darkened room, your first instinct is to feel around for a light switch. You slide your hand along the wall, feeling the transition from the doorframe to the painted drywall, and then ...


Why green light helps reduce pain in mice

A team of researchers at Fudan University's, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology and MOE Frontiers Center for Brain Science, Institutes of Brain Science, in China, has traced neural activity from the eyes to the ...

Medical research

Nose's response to odors more than just a simple sum of parts

Take a sniff of a freshly poured glass of wine, and the prevailing scientific thinking would suggest that the harmony of fragrances involves sensory receptors in the nose simply adding up the individual odors they encounter. ...


Researchers uncover a critical early step of the visual process

The key components of electrical connections between light receptors in the eye and the impact of these connections on the early steps of visual signal processing have been identified for the first time, according to research ...


Research shows hope for personalized genome sequencing

Imagine if you could carry a credit card-size record of all the 3 billion A's, T's C's, and G's that make up the alphabet soup of your genome. A simple swipe of the card could inform your physician right away if a drug being ...

Medical research

Moving cells with light holds medical promise

Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have shown they can coax cells to move toward a beam of light. The feat is a first step toward manipulating cells to control insulin secretion or heart rate ...

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