
Researchers map rotating spiral waves in live human hearts

Electrical signals tell the heart to contract, but when the signals form spiral waves, they can lead to dangerous cardiac events like tachycardia and fibrillation. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and clinicians ...


Novel sensors enable precise measurement of dopamine

Dopamine is an important signaling molecule for nerve cells. Its concentration could not be precisely determined with both high spatial or temporal resolution until now. A new method has now made this possible: A research ...


Real neurons are noisy. Can neural implants figure that out?

If human eyes came in a package, it would have to be labeled "Natural product. Some variation may occur." Because the million-plus retinal ganglion cells that send signals to the human brain for interpretation don't all perform ...


Researchers uncover a critical early step of the visual process

The key components of electrical connections between light receptors in the eye and the impact of these connections on the early steps of visual signal processing have been identified for the first time, according to research ...


Novel technique helps explain why bright light keeps us awake

In recent decades, scientists have learned a great deal about how different neurons connect and send signals to each other. But it's been difficult to trace the activity of individual nerve fibers known as axons, some of ...


Prosthetics for retinal stimulation

In a study recently published in Advanced Biomedical Engineering, researchers at Okayama University report a thin photoelectric film which can stimulate degenerated retinal tissues of the eye.

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