Oncology & Cancer

Physics tool helps track cancer cell diversity

Cancer cells are a wily adversary. One reason the disease outfoxes many potential treatments is because of the diversity of the cancer cell population. Researchers have found this population difficult to characterize and ...


A new approach for finding Alzheimer's treatments

Considering what little progress has been made finding drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease, Maikel Rheinstädter decided to come at the problem from a totally different angle—perhaps the solution lay not with the peptide ...

Medical research

Building bones with a 3-D printer

Strand by strand, and layer by layer, Daniel Chen's research team is inching closer to repairing and rebuilding bones with the use of 3-D printing technology.

Oncology & Cancer

Targeting the mechanisms that allow leukaemia to thrive

Two recent studies conducted at the Circular Dichroism beamline (B23) at Diamond Light Source have shed light on the way in which a subtype of leukaemia can proliferate in the body. The studies published in OncoImmunology ...

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