Psychology & Psychiatry

Beating seasonal affective disorder

On Wednesday, Feb. 2, Punxsutawney Phil, the seer of seers, prognosticator of prognosticators, climbed out of his hole in western Pennsylvania and saw his own shadow.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Winter blues? It could be SAD

(HealthDay)—If winter gets you down, you may have a form of depression called SAD.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Q and A: Light therapy for seasonal affective disorder

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Once daylight saving time ends, I find it difficult as it gets darker earlier. I also notice that I get a bit more depressed in the winter. My friend suggested a light box for seasonal affective disorder. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to fight seasonal depression amid the pandemic

While some welcome the changing leaves of fall and fresh snow of winter, others find themselves having difficulty waking in the morning, experiencing daytime fatigue, eating more carbohydrates, and feeling a general sense ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Seasonal depression: Why it happens and how to manage the symptoms

With the weather getting colder and the days becoming shorter, some people are noticing they have less energy and aren't feeling as positive as they usually do. While these feelings may be temporary for some, around one in ...

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