
Critical tool for brain research derived from 'pond scum'

The poster child for basic research might well be a one-celled green algae found in ordinary lakes and ponds. Amazingly, this unassuming creature—called Chlamydomonas—is helping scientists solve one of the most complex ...


Insulin under the influence of light

The disruption of internal clocks seems to play a significant role in the explosion of metabolic diseases observed in recent decades, particularly diabetes. Scientists have improved understanding of the importance of day-night ...


Scientists reveal mysteries of the brain

The human brain, a 3-pound organ and source of symphonies, mathematics, politics, hate and crime, is often hailed as the most complex biological entity in the known universe.


Altered brain activity patterns of Parkinson's captured in mice

The tell-tale tremors of Parkinson's disease emerge from abnormal activity in a brain region crucial for voluntary movement. Using a mouse model of the disease, researchers at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology ...

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