Medical research

An omega-3 that's poison for tumors

So-called "good fatty acids" are essential for human health. Among the Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid, is crucial to brain function, vision and the regulation of inflammatory phenomena.

Medical research

Store fat or burn it? Targeting a single protein flips the switch

As obesity becomes a growing issue worldwide—nearly tripling over the last-half century—scientists are trying to gain a better understanding of the condition at the molecular level. Now, new research led by UC San Francisco ...

Medical research

Fat droplets play surprise role in metabolism

In suspense novels, the most unassuming character sometimes turns out to be a mastermind, influencing events without attracting attention. That same storyline may be afoot in cells as well: an unglamorous fat-storing droplet ...

Medical research

Quantitative imaging application to gut and ear cells

From tracking activities within bacteria to creating images of molecules that make up human hair, several experiments have already demonstrated the unique abilities of the revolutionary imaging technique called multi-isotope ...

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