
Short-chain fatty acids in diet stimulate fat utilization

(HealthDay)—Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), the main products of dietary fiber fermentation, induce a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ-dependent switch from lipid synthesis to lipid utilization, according ...

Medical research

Watch that smell! Scents can regulate fat storage

Dr. Ayse Sena Mutlu, a postdoctoral fellow at Baylor's Huffington Center On Aging, had an intriguing question. Is it possible to change the body's fat storage without changing eating habits?

Medical research

Fat droplets play surprise role in metabolism

In suspense novels, the most unassuming character sometimes turns out to be a mastermind, influencing events without attracting attention. That same storyline may be afoot in cells as well: an unglamorous fat-storing droplet ...

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