
Toxic liquor kills 143 in eastern India

A batch of home-brewed liquor thought to have been laced with the highly toxic chemical methanol has killed 143 people in eastern India, an official told AFP on Thursday.


Charting locations of marijuana dispensaries in L.A.

(Medical Xpress)—With the debate over medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles still in full fury, Bridget Freisthler, an associate professor of social welfare at UCLA's Luskin School of Public Affairs, has found that ...


Canada recalls too strong 77% alcohol gin

Canadian authorities on Wednesday recalled gin distributed by Bermuda-based Bacardi, after inspectors found the alcohol content was nearly twice the level advertised on the bottle.


New North Korean alcohol leaves 'no hangover'

North Korea has created a hangover-free liquor that is between 30 and 40 percent alcohol but leaves you clear-headed in the morning, according to state media.


13 die from suspected toxic liquor in India

At least 13 people died Wednesday, a local official said, after they apparently drank toxic homemade liquor in India's eastern Bihar—despite a state-wide ban on alcohol.

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