Psychology & Psychiatry

Coherent? Voice disorders significantly affect listeners, too

"Fly heading two three zero, runway two seven left, cleared for takeoff." Air traffic controllers are among the 25 to 45 percent of the workforce in the United States who use their voices professionally. It is imperative ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How clear speech equates to clear memory

Some conversations are forgotten as soon as they are over, while other exchanges may leave lasting imprints. University of Texas at Austin researchers Sandie Keerstock and Rajka Smiljanic want to understand why and how listeners ...


Turn down the music. Here's why.

(HealthDay)—Parents annoyed by the loud music that their teens listen to might have good reason to worry.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows people are not good at recognising voices

"Alexa, who am I?" Amazon Echo's voice-controlled virtual assistant, Alexa, doesn't have an answer to that – yet. However, for other applications of speech technology, computer algorithms are increasingly able to discriminate, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are you listening? Your pupils indicate if you are

A new Dartmouth study finds that listeners are most likely to tune in when a speaker delivers the most emotional peaks of his/her narrative, as revealed by synchronous pupil dilation patterns of speakers and listeners due ...

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