Radiology & Imaging

An illuminated 3D tour of lower back pain

Back pain affects many people at some point in their lives, and a common cause is damage to the squishy discs or flexible, rubbery tissues of the spine. However, observing this damage at an early stage is difficult with current ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer registry improves understanding of rare ovarian tumor

Ovarian granulosa cell tumors are a rare type of ovarian cancer that affect the ovaries and fallopian tubes, and can extend further into the pelvis and lymph nodes. Treatment typically follows the same guidelines as other ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Toward a COVID-19 breathalyzer for kids

Adults infected with SARS-CoV-2 exhale different metabolites in their breath than uninfected people, and dogs and diagnostic devices can detect these changes. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Infectious Diseases have shown ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

LSL60101 compound reduces neuroinflammation and improves cognition

The LSL60101 compound, a specific ligand of the I2-IR receptors in the brain, could shed light on the development of future strategies against Alzheimer's disease. This is stated in the recent studies by the Research Group ...

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