Psychology & Psychiatry

Preventing the long-term effects of traumatic brain injury

You've been in a car accident and sustained a head injury. You recovered, but years later you begin having difficulty sleeping. You also become very sensitive to noise and bright lights, and find it hard to carry out your ...


Is it safe for kids to use adult skincare products?

Over the holidays, Drunk Elephant skincare was a wish list mainstay, sending confused parents to beauty stores to puzzle over why their middle schoolers needed so many expensive products.


Multiple concussions can disrupt brain connectivity in teens

Adolescents and young adults with post-concussive symptoms who suffered three to five concussions showed disruption in the default mode network, an interconnected network of brain regions involved in wakeful rest and internal ...


Alcohol ads in sport fuel drinking culture

Repeated exposure to alcohol advertising in sport—either at venues or during media coverage of matches—can have long-term effects on drinking attitudes, according to a new international study.

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