Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Disney measles outbreak spreads to more US states, Mexico

A measles outbreak centered around Disneyland in California has spread to six more US states and Mexico, and an international visitor to the theme park likely sparked the health alert, officials said Friday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Antibiotic-resistant 'superbug' found at California hospital

A Los Angeles-area hospital said that some of its patients contracted an antibiotic-resistant "superbug" that has been linked to a type of medical scope and infected dozens of people around the country.


FDA knew of design flaw in scope linked to UCLA superbug

A commonly used medical scope linked to a deadly bacterial outbreak at UCLA's Ronald Reagan Medical Center may be so flawed it cannot be properly cleaned, federal officials conceded Thursday. But they stopped short of recalling ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

CDC chief: Valley fever a 'growing problem' in California

U.S. Centers for Disease Control Director Dr. Thomas Frieden, in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, called valley fever "a big and growing problem" that presents "substantial" economic and health costs for Californians.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

'Superbug' outbreak raises questions about medical tool

A "superbug" outbreak suspected in the deaths of two Los Angeles hospital patients is raising disturbing questions about the design of a hard-to-clean medical instrument used on more than half a million people in the U.S. ...

Medical research

How should journalists cover coronavirus preprint studies?

When a story in the Los Angeles Times recently claimed that the novel coronavirus behind COVID-19 had mutated into a more contagious version, it was quickly amplified by other outlets and stoked fears that the virus was becoming ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why some of us crave fear

Each Halloween, we are reminded that we are a nation divided.


CPR app linked to LA County dispatch system

The Los Angeles County Fire Department has linked its dispatch system to a smartphone app that will notify CPR-trained citizens when someone nearby is having a cardiac arrest.

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