Psychology & Psychiatry

What does love look like?

What does love look like? A dozen roses delivered on an ordinary weekday? Breakfast in bed? Or just a knowing glance between lovers?

Psychology & Psychiatry

What is love? Here's the science

We've all felt it at some time in our lives. Poets write about it, singers sing about it – and a whole industry has grown up around finding it, expressing it and maintaining it. But what is love? Where does it reside? What ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Love knows no gender difference

(HealthDay) -- Think married men and women show their love in vastly different ways? Not necessarily.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are you the feeder in your relationship?

The new study focuses on the eating habits of 76 couples and found that individuals who diet or use food to manage their emotions—such as eating because they are cross—were more motivated to display "feeder behavior" ...

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