Psychology & Psychiatry

Facebook likes don't make you feel better

Receiving 'likes' on social media posts doesn't make people feel better about themselves or improve their mood if they are down.

Psychology & Psychiatry

'FOMO' a vicious circle for social media users

The 'fear of missing out' (FOMO) phenomenon – a feeling that friends and connections are leading more interesting lives – is having a negative impact on the psychological wellbeing of social media users, a new study suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Facebook profiles raise users' self-esteem and affect behavior

A Facebook profile is an ideal version of self, full of photos and posts curated for the eyes of family, friends and acquaintances. A new study shows that this version of self can provide beneficial psychological effects ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Know thyself: How mindfulness can improve self-knowledge

paying attention to one's current experience in a non-judgmental way—might help us to learn more about our own personalities, according to a new article published in the March 2013 issue of Perspectives on Psychological ...

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