
Stay safe in summer's sizzle

Temperatures are skyrocketing across the United States, as the high sky sun bakes everyone who ventures out for some summer fun.


US firms gear up for distribution of COVID vaccines

With the imminent arrival of coronavirus vaccines that will need to be stored at ultra-low temperatures, US companies are gearing up for a massive logistical effort to aid their distribution.


Staying hydrated in the cold

As temperatures dip, the most obvious signs of dehydration often disappear. An expert with Baylor College of Medicine helps understand the importance of staying hydrated in cold weather and how to identify when it's time ...


New innovation successfully treats neonatal hypothermia

Neonatal hypothermia—which occurs when an infant's core body temperature falls below the normal range needed to maintain health—contributes to approximately one million deaths each year, and countless cases of stunted ...


Extreme weather is bad for your heart

A study conducted as part of the EXHAUSTION project has found an adverse connection between extreme temperatures and heart health, drawing attention to yet another consequence of climate change. The research has linked cold ...


Vaccine innovation sparks hope, questions

Reports that one of the vaccines for COVID-19 has shown highly promising results are a ray of hope for a world in the shadow of surging virus cases.

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